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Wasp Control

Wasps of the cosmopolitan genus Polistes (the only genus in the tribe Polistini) are the most familiar of the polistine wasps, and are the most common type of paper wasp. It is also the single largest genus within the family Vespidae, with over 300 recognized species and subspecies. Their innate preferences for nest-building sites leads them to commonly build nests on human habitation, where they can be very unwelcome; although generally not aggressive, they can be provoked into defending their nests.

Wasps are harmful since their sting can cause anaphylactic shock which can be fatal. Handling of their nest should always be left to professionals. If stung by one, do seek medical attention immediately.


Please do not hesitate to contact us for a non-obligated consultation should you require our service. You can call us on 03-5569-0309 or alternatively use our Contact form and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

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